Static Oneplus 不可控制论

2014/04/25 - by Oneplus

Parallel and HPC with Python (or numpy)

For guys working with natural language processing problems, it’s daily task to process tons of data. To handle the millions of lines of sentences, I would prefer C/C++ or Java in the past, especially at certain scenario like performing machine learning algorithm onto the data. However, in this days, I wrote a very slow python program (and working around numpy, it’s an important clue for future story). After wasting too much time on this single thread program, I decided to parallel it.

Buzz in the task

Let me briefly introduce my task (It’s usually important for choosing the appropriate parallel model). I have a collection of data which contains about 200 thousand entries. My algorithm is some kind of loop-loop and can be illustrated as the following pseudocode.

while not terminal-condition:
    for instance in instances:
        global_vector += time-consuming-process(instance)

Since the time-consuming-process is very time consuming, we can easily use a producer to distribute these tasks onto several consumers. What a textbook parallel model! To make it more clear, also for convenience of future discussion, let me put it into some meaningless but runnable code.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import time

nr_instances = 2000
nr_dim = 257241

def do_something(vector):

def consumer():
    for _ in xrange(3):                 # use to simulate the time consuming
        x = np.random.rand(nr_dim)      # numpy array operation.
    ret = np.zeros(nr_dim)
    ret[np.random.randint(0, nr_dim, 20)] += np.random.rand(20)
    return ret

def producer():
    global_vector = np.zeros(nr_dim)
    instances = range(nr_instances)
    for index, instance in enumerate(instances):
        global_vector += consumer()

if __name__=="__main__":
    for i in xrange(5):
        print "iter %d is done." % i

A simple time command shows the above code runs 1m29.155s on my server.


As I mentioned before, I decide to paralled the above code. First thing that came into my mind is the threading. According to my past experience, multi-threaded programming is always the best choice when you have a server with several cores.

Distributing the producer’s to several thread can be painless done with python threading module. The producer’s job is dividing the instances into several groups, feed them to each of the thread and wait all these threads finish their work. A wrapper for the consumer is implemented for recieveing data and invoke meta-consumer process.

After a slight modification on the above program, it became the multi-threaded version.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import time
import threading
from basic import consumer, do_something, nr_instances, nr_dim

nr_threads = 4

def consumer_wrapper(instances, results, index):
    global_vector= np.zeros(nr_dim)
    for instance in instances:
        global_vector += consumer()
    results[index] = global_vector

def producer():
    global_vector = np.zeros(nr_dim)
    instances = range(nr_instances)
    threads = [None] * nr_threads
    results = [None] * nr_threads
    fence = nr_instances / nr_threads
    for i in xrange(nr_threads):
        chunk = instances[i*fence: (L if i+1==nr_instances else i*fence+fence)]
        threads[i] = threading.Thread(target=consumer_wrapper, args=(chunk, results, i))
    for i in xrange(nr_threads):
    global_vector = sum(results)

if __name__=="__main__":
    for i in xrange(5):
        print "iter %d is done." % i

I was expecting that the multi-threaded version will bring 2 to 3 times speed up if I config the program with 4 threads. However, this code run 1m33.678s on the same server. I can’t even believe that a multi-threaded program runs slower than the single-threaded program.

After a survey on this issue, I found the answer. It suffer from the Python GIL which prevent the script running on two cores. There are lots of article talking about the GIL problems, so I won’t write more on this. The conclusion is that multi-threaded in Python doesn’t work for my task.


The failure of multi-threaded program drive me to seek for some alternative and I found the multiprocessing module. At the begining of its document page, it says,

effectively side-stepping the Global Interpreter Lock by using subprocesses instead of threads

To my understanding, the mechanism of multiprocessing module is treating the each thread as a process. When creating a thread, it actually copy(fork) the entire processing into a new process.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
from basic import consumer, do_something, nr_dim, nr_instances

nr_threads = 4

def consumer_wrapper(instances):
    global_vector= np.zeros(nr_dim)
    for instance in instances:
        global_vector += consumer()
    return global_vector

def producer():
    instances = range(nr_instances)
    pool = Pool(processes = nr_threads)
    L = len(instances)
    fence = nr_instances / nr_threads
    arguments = [(instances[i*fence:(L if i+1==nr_threads else (i+1)*fence)]) \
            for i in xrange(nr_threads)]

    global_vector = sum(, arguments))

if __name__=="__main__":
    for i in xrange(5):
        print "iter %d fin" % i

It takes 0m33.970s for the multiprocessing version to run. The multiprocessing module bring in about 2.5 times speed up.

However, one disappointing feature of multiprocessing is it copy entire program, therefore resulting in large memory consumption. This feature make it very unscalable if the single process version consume a lot of memory. In my experiments, my script consume 8G memory. If I apply it to 8 processors, the program explode into 64G (or more), almost reach the limit of the server.


The first time I meet MPI is that I read some source code of a machine-translation toolkit. The MPI module is embeded in a mess of C++ code and make it very difficult to understand.

Now it came to me again because the document page claims that

MPI is not an IEEE or ISO standard, but has in fact, become the “industry standard” for writing message passing programs on HPC platforms.

My supervisor also endorse it. It seems a widely used library for parallel programming. And its Python embedding also makes it less painful (or painless) to use.

In MPI, the producer-consumer model can be very clearly implemented by letting the zero-ranked (or master) program distribute the instances (or tasks), keep recieveing data from consumer. Running status of the consumers can be easily obtain by check the tag field of the recieved data.

Revisiting my problem, the MPI version is shown blow.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import time
from mpi4py import MPI
from basic import consumer, do_something, nr_dim, nr_instances

READY, START, DONE, EXIT = 0, 1, 2, 3
size = comm.size
rank = comm.rank
status = MPI.Status()

def consumer_daemon():
    name = MPI.Get_processor_name()
    while True:
        comm.send(None, dest=0, tag=READY)
        task = comm.recv(source=0, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=status)
        tag = status.Get_tag()

        if tag == START:
            instances = task
            global_vector = np.zeros(nr_dim)
            for instance in instances:
                global_vector += consumer()
            comm.send(global_vector, dest=0, tag=DONE)
        elif tag == EXIT:
    comm.send(None, dest=0, tag=EXIT)

def producer():
    instances = range(nr_instances)
    L = len(instances)
    fence = L/ (size - 1)
    arguments = [(instances[i*fence:(L if i+1==size-1 else (i+1)*fence)]) for i in xrange(size - 1)]
    for i in xrange(1, size):
        comm.send(arguments[i-1], dest=i, tag=START)
    finished = 0
    global_vector = np.zeros(nr_dim)
    while finished < size - 1:
        data = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=status)
        tag = status.Get_tag()
        if tag == DONE:
            global_vector += data
            finished += 1

if __name__=="__main__":
    if rank == 0:
        for i in xrange(5):
            print "iter %d is done." % i
        for i in xrange(1, size):
            comm.send(None, dest=i, tag=EXIT)

Under same settings, the above program runs 0m31.332s and it memory performance is better than the multiprocessing version. One reason for the faster speed, I think, is the consumer wasn’t shut down between each iterations.


When it comes to the topic of paralleling in Python, my advice is avoid using threading especially with some code that will trigger GIL. If the task only takes a little memory, my advice is the multiprocessing, because it’s easier to use and easier to switch from threading-oriented program. If you decide to make it a real paralleled program (aka, using it on multi-cores server or even across several servers), mpi4py is no doubt a better choice.


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